Thursday 20 August 2015

Reading, Writing, Enjoying ;)

I've spent all day scribbling away... Answering questions about 'Your Spiritual Journey' on the Sage Priestess course...

Can you believe this stunning photo of reindeer is from a Ralph Lauren advert in Harper's Bazaar?? This is why I never through anything away!

One of the books that's mentioned in the course material is this (so I've just ordered a secondhand copy), and they had a wee preview including this amazing poem - so I wrote it out :)

Calypso's Island

Animals always lead the way
Into the earth. Down, down
wolves lead the women
down to the cave-heart,
back to their origins.

It has always been so
on this island of caves.
Animals lead the way,
women follow, becoming
animals and holy.

Into the black water go
the seal-women. Into
the cliff winds go the birds.
The horsewomen rear.
They have fled beyond words.

This is the dream of the women
sleeping in the rock, hair
dishevelled, breasts bare.
This is the dream of the women
in towns, in cities, everywhere.

Patricia Monagham

Just too perfect after my recent dream experiences!!

One of the added bonuses of this course already has been my improved handwriting... Mainly because I told myself I really don't care how messy it is, I just want to record everything in my beautiful new journal.

Funny how that works :)


  1. I'm basking in all the empowerment and loveliness here. Love the poem, your thoughts, and your energy.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving lovely comments... I'm aglow :)
      Blessings x


Your comments mean a lot. They show I'm not alone. Thank you!