Tuesday 30 June 2015

Collage no. 30 (yay!)

So here I am - the last day of my month-long collage making... And yes, I am bummed I feel so sick I can't really celebrate (summer colds seem extra-miserable - the sun's shining, it's 30 degrees outside, and my head's at war with itself! Ears, nose, throat hurting, leaking, battling among themselves to give me the most grief...)

But in my own feeble way I AM celebrating - this is quite an achievement for a half-paralyzed body!!

And whatever anyone else makes of this overstuffed book of 30 collages, I take quiet pride in it and feel a deep sense of accomplishment :)

So here's collage no. 30

Despite feeling cr*p, I wanted to do something different to mark this final collage, so I spray inked the pages, and left gaps between the images so the splattered paper can be seen.

Left-hand page

A favourite Papaya Art postcard - I think these words are a Soul Song for me! 
Random female images each showing a bit of attitude :)
A magazine ad with the words 'Hidden depths' and a typed W.B. Yeats quote which to me speaks deep Truth:

It is so many years before one can believe enough in what one feels, even to know what the feeling is.

Right-hand page

A lovely image clipped from a White Stuff mailer - proof that even junk mail contains hidden treasure :)
A favourite page from last year's quote-a-day calendar; some gorgeous artisan bread from an old Country Living article; a dove-cote from an old card, and a favourite image of Inanna (1973) by Susan Seddon Boulet and the quote:

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.
Diane Mariechild

Amen to that!!

And there we have it!! I must say a big THANK YOU to everyone who's journeyed with me, left comments (both here and on Facebook) and spurred me on - it really made it extra-worthwhile and extra-fun. Blogland is SUCH a special place :D xx

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I like the splatter. Well done for finishing. Perhaps you can enjoy looking back through whilst you convalesce


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