Thursday, 25 August 2016

August Break - Day 25

I HAD to post something today given the prompt 'Peaceful'. We finally got hooked up to the internet yesterday (yay!), but my laptop is poorly, and has to go in for repairs, so this may be the only post for another wee while :(

But I've so missed joining in with Susannah's August Break as we moved house to a nearby village a couple of weeks ago. And, although moving is VERY stressful, there have been moments of real peace as our new home exudes light and calm, and the village itself is 'Peaceful' personified :)

This is the entrance to the village church - the gate is under two huge beech trees!

Even Molly-cat is settling in just fine...

Wishing you all a peaceful week :)

Also sharing with Becca at Nurturing Thursday.


  1. Oh I am so happy for you!

    Your photos certainly show a lovely and peaceful place.

    I look forward to seeing more photos, of your new home, and your new village life.

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Moon

  2. What a lovely photo of the churchyard in dappled sunlight. And your gorgeous cat looks as 'peaceful' as can be! Samantha x

  3. How wonderful -- congratulations on such a lovely find for living!
    Welcome back -- we missed you!

  4. Your new village looks beautiful. I hope you are settling in well. ;-)

  5. What beautiful photos, so full of peace! Glad you're settling in well and back online. :)


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